[Reading Response: William M. Tsutsui]

Since the Cold War and World  War II, more monster films started to appear and all of them focus on the destruction of the city. The vulnerability and terror to disasters and atomic bomb are fully reflected in these films. Similarly, the Godzilla is also a metaphor of disaster and destruction. Japanese people may be anxious about the war and disasters that may happen in the future. However, there is also optimism hidden in this film. The Godzilla is finally defeated because of the unification of the society. It also demonstrates that their strength and power can overcome everything with the collectivity. 

With so many monster films, people will start to inure to the destruction which actually neutralizes the pain from the war. Meanwhile, they can still find warmth and amity in the apocalypse. The quick recovery will stimulate the national confidence towards the bright future. Therefore, the monster films not only remind people of disasters, but also help them to face and overcome the fear and anxiety to the apocalypse.

Shuhan, Xu 3035603643

1 thought on “[Reading Response: William M. Tsutsui]

  1. Sammie says:

    A concise discussion of the major points from the reading. It is interesting that you mentioned both ‘bright future’ and ‘apocalypse’ in your discussion of what is possible to come. Perhaps, the disaster film genre grapples with these contradictions as a response to future uncertainties while simultaneously looking back at history.


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