[Reading Response: William Tsuitsui]

Millennials seldom realize why and how we are captivated to disaster films or science fiction films. The rationale behind is likely to be multi-factorial, for example we may be fascinated by the theme of warmth and comradeship in the midst of disaster.
Nevertheless, hardly can we deny that our entertainment stems from special effects of building destruction and ultimate apocalypse. Though destruction scenes might be more eye catching which may stimulate a stronger sense of pleasure or satisfaction in terms of physical response, filmmakers should explore something new and unique. Is it really difficult to produce films, particularly science fiction films with the same sensational effect but of exactly opposite theme without destruction or catastrophe?
From my point of view, the industry has gathered more than enough production of disaster films and monster films. Theme innovation and genre creation will allow film works to outcompete those with the same obsolete formula if they are of high quality.

Yuqi Mi


1 thought on “[Reading Response: William Tsuitsui]

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Appreciate your insightful and strong point of view on the monster film genre. As a long-lived genre, monster films have been modified in each generation to suit the context and time period conveying fears of each time. However, as you have pointed out, maybe it is time to rethink the role of destruction in films and reconsider the intention of monsters. As the generation after the Millennials, in your point of view, what should be the focused theme or genre of the film industry?


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