Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

“Space” and “Place” “Space” is location, physical space and physical geography. It has taken consideration of vector of direction, velocities, and time variables. Hence, it is made up of mobile element intersections. “Space” is meaningless and has no meaning or value. It’s like a blank canvas, it is nothing and everything at the same time. “Place” has meaning and value, and it has a context. It serves a purpose. It is comprised of both tangible and intangible elements. “Place” is like the painting on the canvas, it gives “space” a meaning and values. It is the culturally imposed meaning assigned to

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Reading Response: Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James

The article mainly focused on the pedestrian highways, including the sky-way in the urban areas. In order to enrich the city infrastructure due to the structuralism, enhance people to transport from skyscraper to skyscraper without going outside, the important sky-way appeared quickly and were built in every corner of the cities. The multilevel metropoils  were created and the citizens are allowed to transport horizontally in a short time. The enhanced urban economy during the city contribution promotes not only the business communication, but also introduces a new way of transportation. As the article mentioned, the original and traditional way is

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Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

After reading this article, I can clearly differentiate ‘place’ and ‘space’. A place is defined as the order in accord with which elements are distributed in relationships of coexistence… an instantaneous configuration of positions (that implies) an indication of stability. A space is defined as existing by the consideration of vectors of direction, velocities and time variables. For example, the street geometrically defined is transformed into space by walkers. These two concepts are interchangeable. Stories transform places into spaces or spaces into places. Anyone can define both of them because not everyone has the same experience at that specific point. Maps

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Reading Response: De Certeau, M.

It was not until I read ‘Spatial Stories’, that I realised space and place are actually two different things. While places usually have a static representation of the locations, spaces represent the movements of things around them. For example, in many Hong Kong movies, the view from the Peak of the Victoria Harbour is a ‘place’ which symbolises Hong Kong. ‘Place’ is like about the setting of the story. While filming the streets, how the people or things travel along, is the dynamic representation of the story, which contains more illustrative information, and curates the meaning of ‘time’ and ‘vector’.

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Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

“Frontier” and “bridges” are two opposing terms mentioned in the extract of the practice of everyday life by Michel de Certeau. “Frontier” relates to separation, whether it is a physical separation between two nations by rivers or ocean. For instance, Taiwan and mainland China are separated by the ocean. Or an intangible Imaginate separation between races, for example the conflict between Black and White in the United States. It all relates a  form of boundaries between two elements. However the term “Bridge” refers to connection or a sense of togetherness. By the meaning of the word, it meant to connect

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This article explores how narrative structures could create spatial scheme in terms of how each story at core is a travel story and a spatial practice. The author argues that space could create narrative through providing a theater of actions and actuating a contradiction between frontiers and bridges. The author starts by enunciating several ambiguous terms, like “place” and “space”, or “map” and “tour”. Whereas “space” is composed of when various mobile elements intersects with each other, a “place” is an instantaneous configuration of position, which implies stability. One thing I find especially intriguing for me is how stories could


Reading Response: Giuliano Bruno

Alfred Hitchcock’s Bomb theory, an analogy for difference between surprise and suspense, comes to my mind while reading about the relevance of ‘real time’ vs ‘reel time’ in Andy Warhol’s ‘Empire’. Much like the ticking of a bomb, ‘empire’ builds suspense over the period of 8 hours however chooses not to surprise the audience as Warhol adapts a zero degree cinematic perspective. The transformation from daytime to night-time along with subtle changes in atmosphere show how the urban environment and architecture itself is the suspense of the rhythmic filmic experience. The mundane real and the fantastical cinema reflect onto each

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Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

In the reading, de Certeau posed very intriguing discussions regarding space and place.  As a student of architectural studies, I have a deep interest in discovering spatial qualities and what experiences those qualities bring to people.  De Certeau specifically gave attention to how “having stories” and “being there” impacts a space; a space consists of higher mobility and the unique experience of oneself contributes to how a space is formed.  For instance, let’s say there is a place that is a round room, yet this doesn’t make it a space.  It is a space to users when they are present

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Reading Response: Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James

Yoos and James illustrated the importance and architectural idea in the article by reviewing the history of grade-separated pedestrian systems. Although they have several names such as skyways, skywalks, and footbridges, the ability to concentrate “transit, commerce, and real estate value” never changed. As mentioned in Gruen’s idea, he attempted to create a social center with multiple functions, including exhibiting local art and culture and shops providing necessities. This goal can be achieved by building adaptable components (e.g., pedestrian bridges and plazas), which illustrates the effectiveness and significance of pedestrian systems in promoting the quality of human life. My travel

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Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

“Space and Place” and “Map and Tour” To articulate the relationship between Space and Place by merely expressing one is stable and the other is mobile is a bit ambiguous because geographically these two are nailed in a solid spot. To illustrate place is mobile we need to consider the intersection of mobile element in present or of a particular time in which represented an ensemble of different occupational activities, happening or happened, in that place. For example, the third floor of HKU main library is a place for people to nurture their mind or sitting on the chair leisurely

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