[Video Essay] Fast City

RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT The film narrative mimics that of a Hong Kong’er waiting for the red light to turn green, before making their way across the crossing. Without additional music or voiceover, the main purpose of this film is simply to evoke an eerie sense of familiarity, as it captures purely the visual, auditory and sometimes emotional experience that takes place through this simple event. Reflecting an experience that needs not to be described, but narrated by the city itself – the traffic lights, and the routine life of a Hong Kong’er heading to their next destination. Picture oneself

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[Video Essay] Hybrid City

Description This video presentation explores hybrid function of lobby for people across generations. The lobby is a shared space under each residence. On one hand, it is like a bridge for me or generation Z to connect with outside and privacy space. The lobby is the center of the whole apartment as it carries on the function of social connection with neighbors, security, and messaging (Wedemeyer, 1979). However, nowadays, not only do we not go through the lobby to socialize, but we go through it quickly to avoid too much contact. The situation worsened during the pandemic; we tried our

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[Video Essay] Disappearing City

  Student ID: 3035855430 Directed By: Seo Jun Ho Site: Corridors, School Corridor in my mind Theme: Disappearing City   Background Information:   How is a small space in a corridor changing constantly?   The corridor could be a passageway for people to go from one place to another. However, it could also be a space for gathering, especially in places like schools. After class, it’s a place where students see and interact with each other. Hence the corridor could be identified as a place of gathering. While the city can be considered a place of meeting outdoors, corridors serve

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[Field-Homework 3] Disappearing City

Disappearing City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOPOrI2EEfY Side walks are known to be the setting of the quotidian, daily experience of the urban city lifestyle. As human beings, we grow a strong sense of attachment to the surrounding environment we are so used to seeing every day. Therefore, this can symbolise a sense of topophilia and nostalgia. However, time is transient and nothing lasts forever. When we walk along the streets, we often start to notice changes that happen in our surroundings as the result of rapid urban renewable and economic development.  Various notable films that inspired me to approach the theme of nostalgia

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[Field-Homework 3] Ecological City

  Theme and subject As a city with rapid urbanization and limited land supply, Hong Kong has been forced to intensively construct high-rise buildings with small residential units. To maximize the economic profit in the property market, the ecological elements in architecture are often neglected, as if we sometimes look at the urban residential buildings, what we see mostly are the concrete and glass panels with emotionlessness and a cold feeling. Therefore, it is hard to discover the vibrancy of the city and connect ourselves to them, no matter visually or emotionally. However, the balcony, as a visually distinctive architectural

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[Video Essay] Public City

    Link: https://youtu.be/o7LOoIYvg_0 Title: Public city — Shared emotions under masks Site: Bus stops(Chengdu, Sichuan, China)   Wearing masks when walking around Wearing masks when riding Wearing masks when driving Wearing masks when waiting alone   Under the repetitive and unpredictable disaster caused by the Covid-19 virus, the public must wear masks everywhere, anytime. It’s unlikely to observe others and share emotional resonance nowadays. I can’t stop wondering: Is wearing masks COVER our face? Or COVER our feelings and life? I conduct research based on the bus stops, and they will answer my puzzle.   1.” Bus stop is

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[Field-Homework 3] Hybrid City

Title: Hybrid City— Vibrant Life In The Balcony Story board: Director: Ou Yang Jia Qi Editor: Ou Yang Jia Qi Photograph and video provider: Ho Ching Hei Venue provider: Yin’s Family, Ho’s Family Introduction   Hong Kong is a hybrid city. In these highly populated city, according to World Bank (2020) there is 7.482 million people in Hong Kong. In the small city where the developed land is less than 25%( Hong Kong Government, 2022), most of the people are living in an extremely small and crowded space. In this condition, a single space can be developed into multiple usage.

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[Video Essay] Recovery City

Video: https://youtu.be/MtE_2MBiQTo Recovery City — Street Directed by: Yulan Shen 3035603942 Script: 2022.4.13~2022.4.19 The city experienced closed-off management due to Omicron Pandemic…… This is Zhangjiagang, a small city in Suzhou.  This is a silent city, but used to be lively and energetic.  The corona virus has changed a lot, the economy, the lifestyle and even people’s attitudes toward life. There was no activities, no passengers and no vehicles on the street, people are forced to take quarantines at homes, factories or even offices…… we were stuck in a closed space for 7 days, only allowed to go outside for the

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[Field-Homework 3] Slow City

    Theme My theme is that the pier helps people slow down and enjoy their lives. In general, many citizens in Hong Kong have a very fast pace of lifestyle – they walk fast, eat fast, and speak fast. Although some of the citizens in HK will unwind to release stress on the weekend by joining various entertainment venues and scenic spots, it is not the case for most of the people in HK. According to the career portal jobsDB, 89% of HK employees work overtime. The amount of weekly overtime runs from 4 hours (39%) to 7 hours

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[Field-Homework 3] Private City – The Use of Stairwells

Private city – the use of stairwells Director: Jingyang Guo    Synopsis Stairwell areas metaphorically represents people’s urge towards a better life, it has also redefined the definition of public and private areas. Private areas are entirely under the users’ control, it symbolizes trust. Yet public areas are owned by the public, users’ behaviors are restricted, which illustrates the lack of trust. However, under different circumstances, public areas may become more private. Not due to trust, but due to people’s urge towards a better life. Stairwells, a compartment extends vertically through a building allows us to move between floors. However,

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