[Video Essay]:Disappearance of cargo terminals

  Theme: pier Title: disappearance of cargo terminals Hong Kong is one of the three great natural deep-water harbors in the world, so it can be said that it is a port. The traditional port of Hong Kong is Victoria Harbor, which originally refers to the waters between Kowloon Peninsula and Hong Kong. The British believed Victoria had the potential to develop into an excellent port in East Asia. Later, during the First and Second Opium Wars, Hong Kong was relinquished by the Qing Dynasty, and Hong Kong was constructed with Victoria Port as its central business district to expand

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[Field-Homework 3]: Fast city in MTR Passage

  Theme and background: Hong Kong, a fast city. Why we are saying that, in general, Hong Kong residents live at a breakneck pace. They walk quickly, eat quickly, speak quickly, and live quickly. They adhere to the conventional wisdom that “time is money” and “efficiency is the key to success.” I would like to explain the “fast” in Hong Kong from the place of MTR Passage. The fast pace of Hong Kong mainly comes from the local culture and the dense population of Hong Kong, which leads to fierce competition. In order to have a better life, people are

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[Video Essay]: Disappearing City | Playground

Today, children spend 50% less time playing outdoors than children of the 1970s as kids nowadays choose to satisfy their need for stimulation and social contact with friends and peers by turning to video games instead of playing outdoors in the playground (Proud, 2019). Hence, children’s shifted preference over time from playing outdoors in the playground to spending most of their time indoors playing video games and surfing the internet has contributed to the lack of children in the open spaces and, therefore, the disappearance of playgrounds. The idea of the playground in the late 1800s was to provide a

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[Field-Homework 3] Slow City with stairs

With the sight of stairs, you may let out a big sigh. It is strenuous to go from one step to the other, with most people trying to conceal their hyperventilation once they reach the top. The steep topography of Hong Kong has led its presence to being ubiquitous in outdoor spaces(Stair Culture, 2018). Over time, stairs in architecture had evolved from simply being a medium to navigate vertically to becoming a design aspect of a space. Andrea Palladio, an Italian architect in the 16th century led to stairs being less steep for comfort and Michelangelo expanded the art form

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[Field-Homework 3] Another World Below the Fast City

Director : Chow Pinky Hoi Yan Research Background Hong Kong, known for its fast-paced lifestyle, is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. According to Statista’s 2022 data, it ranks ninth with over 25,684 inhabitants per square kilometer. Over the past three decades, Hong Kong’s population has experienced significant growth. The population increased from 5.75 million in 1991 to 7.41 million in 2021, with an average annual growth rate of 0.8% (C&SD, 2022). Consequently, the Hong Kong government has recognized the need to adapt urban planning to address the challenges related to population increase, transportation, and land

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[Video Essay] City Outskirts: the self preserving Ecosystem

City Outskirts: the self-preserving Ecosystem Theme and subject matter This video essay focuses on Pok Fu Lam village, one of the last villages in Hong Kong that are at risk of disappearing and is now part of the World Monument Watch list (World Monuments Fund , 2021). The village is unique for its long history of festivals and life that can only be found once you enter through the mazes of lanes and alleyways. Thus a slow life is created, making it distinct from the outside city life that is mainly characterized by its busy and chaotic speed. Through the

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[Field-Homework 3] Overhead Bridge: Hybrid City

Overhead Bridge: Hybrid City Jiankai Gong 3036086373 Theme As one of the most densely populated cities in the world, Hong Kong has adopted a multilevel urban planning system in order to optimize land use and the convenience of travel. As of 2022, 1,043 overhead bridges have been constructed as a response to accommodate the high-density living style. I will be conducting my research around the hypothesis: Hong Kong is a bridge city and overhead bridges embody hybridity. The video is divided into two parts: Hybrid Urbanism Overhead pedestrian bridges are elevated urban infrastructures segregated from ground-level streets. Being the top

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[Field-Homework 3] Escalator – Control City

Title: Control City Minrui Zhao 3036101020   Creditcs: The Script, Director and Voiceover: Minrui Zhao Actors: Muqun Zhang, Hao Zheng, Yiqing Zhang, Minrui Zhao   Theme and Subject: This video used the heroine’s eyes as clues to shoot on the escalators of Hong Kong’s subway stations. It was taken from the first-person perspective of a female university student, recorded and evaluated a common social phenomenon in Hong Kong: “People always walk left and stand right on escalators.” It is well known that the escalator is created as a convenient and efficient space for citizens’ daily travel. However, almost everyone in

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[Video Essay] Construction City: Langham Place

https://yTheme Hong Kong is “a shopper’s paradise,” and its shopping malls are flooded with customers every day (Lam, 2023). Malls in Hong Kong have always been part of the daily lives of its citizens as they provide a wide range of retail shops and restaurants. Not to mention that they also contain elements of entertainment, ranging from cinemas to game centers. Malls in Hong Kong symbolize the city’s unique mix of diverse cultures, including the countless fashion brands from international designers. Their architectural designs are also unique as they pursue maximum mobility, allowing citizens to move from one to another

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[Field-Homework 3] Disappearing City

http://https://youtu.be/E9U8fIs-mRc Park Junseo UID: 3035859929   夢伴:Dream Lover – Duddell street 煤氣燈街 (Gas Lamp Street) Duddell street, also known as Gas Lamp street, is one of the last four remaining gas lamps in Hong Kong, still lighting the way. Among the highly developed metropolis of Central, Hong Kong, the street maintains its unique atmosphere from 20th century, with its combination of modern buildings and vintage gas lamps. It is also the location from music video of Dream Lover by Anita Mui (夢伴). I wanted the video to capture the contrasting image of once-popular cultural spot standing in the middle of the city’s

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