Field Homework 2: The Bridge

Field Homework 2: The Bridge

Top View

Looking from the top, a bus awaits for pedestrians to cross the road but they do not complete the way.


Car Pan

The car reversed back into the bridge at a high speed, into the darkness and back to the light.


Car Zoom

Cars weave under the bride as pedestrians await for the light to pass through. A train also goes on the bridge but isolated from the rest of the subjects.



Cross visual and noises create this busy environment under this bridge.

Bush View

Taken from a lower angle, the humans are much slower compared to the cars in the background.

I used various techniques to show how the bridge in Mong Kok is an important infrastructure that  still serves many purposes although with less people going out on the streets. I sped up some videos to show how everyone takes their chances to pass quickly when the light is green. Reversing some videos to show how people seem to be getting nowhere near hope although life goes on in this chaotic city. The masked up people also convey we are in a time of crisis as this particular crossing of Waterloo street would usually have way more people than what is shown here.


Carson Wong

UID 3035721392


1 thought on “Field Homework 2: The Bridge

  1. Eunice says:

    Some good experiments here with different techniques to contemplate the bridge visually. Love the walking backwards as a commentary on the futility of fast speeds. Under the current pandemic situation, are we still back on the same spot no matter how fast we walk in busy Mongkok? Appreciate that through the various views of the bridge you have considered the subject of the video, the camera position/height and technique. What is the name of this bridge and where exactly is this intersection?


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