[Video Essay] Disappearing City

video: https://youtu.be/Uo916_1_xh0

Disappearing City — Balcony

Directed by: Hua Mingyang 3035830612

From the window of my room on the thirtieth floor, as far as the eye can see are low, old houses, densely packed as if mosaic with each other. The dense roof of the building turns into small squares, blocking the view from the outside. As a very inclusive city, Guangzhou accommodates a mobile population of over nine million people. The urban village is like a sponge that can gulp the mobile population, providing cheap housing for a mobile population of nearly five million. Since 2020, dense buildings and inadequate sanitation in urban villages have led to many outbreaks, which has accelerated the government’s plan to demolish urban villages. Therefore, I would like to record the disappearing urban villages and the lives of the residents there.

This video includes street scenes of several urban villages. The shooting time has morning, noon, and night to provide a better and more detailed record of the state of the urban village at different times of the day to reflect the life of the residents. In addition, the whole video focuses on the balconies of the urban village residents, which carries a metaphoric representation of the extension of residents’ daily life. The inspiration for the balcony work as a symbol of people’s daily life came from my research. Before the inspiration was formed, I went online to find a lot of vlogs about the balcony and investigate the balconies around me. I found that I could glimpse pieces of other people’s lives through the furnishings and décor of the balcony.

I conducted the research through site visits. When I walked into the existing urban village and looked closely, I saw many traces of the residents’ lives. Some of their balconies were full of clothes; some had a few pots of flowers. In addition, I also searched the internet for interviews and news about the residents of the urban village to better understand their perspectives. At the same time, I also reviewed papers on the history of urban village changes. The repeated mention of demolition and renovation of the urban village became why I chose the disappearing city’s theme.

According to the theme, my video has two parts: one shows migrant workers are striving to make a life in the bustling city, and the other part expresses a sense of confusion about where to go because the demolition of the urban village caused migrant workers are unable to pay for the expensive rents. Although the urban village looks cramped and dilapidated, it is also home to countless migrant workers, providing them with a place to rest in their busy and hard-working lives. To emphasize the atmosphere of the home, I included components such as clothes floating on the balcony, children’s dolls hanging out to dry, and plants kept by the residents on the balcony in the video. Those seemingly dilapidated balconies become a channel to show residents’ lives to the audience through the camera: residents are no longer distant strangers; they are like us, with busy jobs, with their children, trying to live in this city. When shooting these scenes, I always used the technique of close-up to focus on the objects on the balcony to convey the imagery (e.g., Close up of the doll to express the continuity of life). Moreover, I adopted eye-level shots to film the scenes in an urban village, which helps to give the audience a more immersive feeling of the environment.

For the second part, I selected three news broadcasts to add to the video, conveying the current situation of the gradual disappearance of urban villages through superimposed sound and news images. I used acceleration here to create a sense that the demolition of urban villages is common and unchangeable. Afterward, from the photos with “demolition” written on the walls to the videos of the dilapidated buildings and scaffolding, I wanted to convey a sense of decay and desolation to the audience. The narrow balcony where clothes were hung out to dry and planted flowers was covered with dust and mud, and even steel bars were exposed. Compared with the scenes of life in front, the marks of people’s lives in the planned demolition of the urban village were eliminated. And one day, the imprint of the existence of this urban village will disappear and be replaced by more modern high-rise buildings. It’s like the cracks of the city have been filled in, and no one will care much. But what about the people who used to live in it? Where should they go? Are they going to disappear along with the disappeared urban villages?

word count: 766


Hao, P., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., & Sliuzas, R. (2012). Spatial analyses of the Urban Village Development Process in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(6), 2177–2197. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01109.x

Kochan, D. (2015). Placing the urban village: A spatial perspective on the development process of urban villages in Contemporary China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(5), 927–947. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.12287

Lau, M. (2013, April 24). Residents of Guangzhou new town’s last urban village battle against eviction. South China Morning Post. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1217822/residents-guangzhou-new-towns-last-urban-village-battle-against-eviction

Liu, R., & Jia, Y. (2021). Resilience and circularity: Revisiting the role of urban village in rural-urban migration in Beijing, China. Land, 10(12), 1284. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10121284

O’Donnell, M. A. (2021, December 7). The end of an era? Two decades of Shenzhen Urban Villages. Made in China Journal. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://madeinchinajournal.com/2021/12/01/the-end-of-an-era-two-decades-of-shenzhen-urban-villages/

Zeng, H., Yu, X., & Zhang, J. (2019). Urban village demolition, Migrant Workers’ rental costs and housing choices: Evidence from Hangzhou, China. Cities, 94, 70–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.05.029

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网易 房地产导刊. (2022, March 4). 重磅!广州城中村改造政策有望明朗!97个项目继续推进…… 网易首页. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://www.163.com/dy/article/H1KVCIF30530X1OV.html

5 thoughts on “[Video Essay] Disappearing City

  1. Tsz FungChan  says:

    I really like that your video has used low-spirited background music and a dark camera filter to emphasize the compressed lives of migrant workers in urban villages, which is successful in creating a gloomy atmosphere for your topic.

  2. JiaruiDai  says:

    I really like the texture of the images you’ve captured! Despite the slow pace and somber tone of the video, the brightly colored buildings in the images give a sense of the atmosphere of life in the urban village in which they were shot. The close-ups of the residents’ lives succeed in shifting our focus from the abstract ‘inhabitants of the urban village’ to the people who live there in a concrete way.

  3. ZihanZuo says:

    I really like your video. First of all the overall use of a dim tone throughout the video could have better reflected the slightly heavy subject matter. The focus is on the more run-down parts of the busy city and the people who live in them and struggle to make ends meet. The references to news footage also appealed to me, with the news as factual evidence of the theme of disappearing city.

  4. Yi Kuang says:

    I really like your video. Firstly, the color used and the filming techniques are amazing. Secondly, you did catch lots of details in Urban Village. However, I think maybe you can have a focus. And I think it will be better if you research more about the balcony, such as special tiles reflecting Guangzhou’s characteristics. The demolition of balcony with culture values may lead to disappearing. Overall, I think your video is really good!

  5. Jen Lam says:

    Nice visual design with suitable angles and coloring. Good attempt at documenting life in urban villages in Guangzhou and you have touched upon the critical issue of their demolition. I wonder if you have discovered anything regarding the balcony as it should be your site? The observation and analysis of such seem a bit lacking for now.


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