[Video Essay] Restaurant: Disappearing City

Background information:

In this video essay, I want to investigate the disappearing of a cha chaan teng (rainbow cafe) and the reasons behind it. The video is really straightforward. It starts with a shut down of the 55 years old rainbow cafe and the reasons are pandemic and chain stores and shopping mall. It is all according to the boss of the rainbow cafe in a interview. The disappearance of the rainbow cafe really shows the downfall of cha chaan teng considering its age.

Method of Research:

I first try to film the inside of a cha chann teng, but rainbow cafe already shut down. That cha chann teng at the beginning of the video is less traditional than rainbow cafe, and that’s also why it stands out. On the other side, the rainbow cafe has been staying traditional for 55 years. The boss of rainbow cafe also said that Mikiki – a new shopping mall nearby has been affecting his business with less teenagers to come by. So I decide to visit Mikiki and investigate the area, what are the people really into and the power of these big and beautiful shopping mall.


I know, my video is kinda rubbish. But it does not mean I did not try. Somehow I find that filming a restaurant is really a lot harder than other topic like mall etc. Just because of the privacy stuff especially in a cha chaan tang it is hard to stay undercover. I first decided to film Fast Restaurant, but after a few try I just cannot film a fast feeling and a good angle. And second Dr Seng says that my idea is too generic is not something new that worth researching, “fast restaurant” who does not know it is fast. So later I switch my topic, although it is also really generic. At the end of my video, I do exaggerated that cha chann tang is gone, but in real life it is very hard to completely disappear. In conclusion, I do think I get the lectures, but when applying them to an actual video is extremely difficult.


果籽. (2021, March 26). 55年新蒲崗老店「彩虹餐廳」3月底結業 $40螢光汁意粉成追憶 三兄弟苦撐經營五勞七傷 不捨哽咽:「貼結業告示手震」#老店結業 #籽想好食─果籽 香港 Apple Daily. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yle4cZ3uN9k&list=LL&index=1.


Wu Kit Wah


2 thoughts on “[Video Essay] Restaurant: Disappearing City

  1. u3579169 says:

    It is definitely a sad thing to see the disappearance of city cultures. The rapid development of a metropolis like Hong Kong and urbanization allow us to enjoy a high quality of life. The flip side is that some of the most treasured indigenous cultures would disappear through time. For instance, the development of malls and large-scaled companies would replace some of the local stores like cha chann teng mentioned in the video. Although your idea is generic, I admit, the disappearance of the city is truly one of the most alarming issues we have to face currently. It is shocking and a pity to see that people like policymakers, realizing the problem, do not really put effort to change this undesirable situation. Once again, I have to thank you for bringing out this topic.

  2. u3579169 says:

    It is definitely a sad thing to see the disappearance of city cultures. The rapid development of a metropolis like Hong Kong and urbanization allow us to enjoy a high quality of life. The flip side is that some of the most treasured indigenous cultures would disappear through time. For instance, the development of malls and large-scaled companies would replace some of the local stores like cha chann teng mentioned in the video. Although your idea is generic, I admit, the disappearance of the city is truly one of the most alarming issues we have to face currently. It is shocking and a pity to see that people like policymakers, realizing the problem, do not really put effort to change this undesirable situation. Once again, I have to thank you for bringing out this topic.

    Ng Terence 3035791696


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