[Video Essay] Tranquillity

I have updated my mood board and made some changes to it, but I haven’t changed the essential parts.

Floor plans:

Name: Yu Qi
UID: 3035638143

1 thought on “[Video Essay] Tranquillity

  1. Annie Lye says:

    Appreciate camera techniques and audio curation in the video. The organization of the scenes is well-thought-out. There are several nice and poetic moments worth noticing. Particularly, the silence of the idle washing machine. The aero shot and long shots at the start of the video are well conduct depicting specifics the tranquility of exterior spaces. But compared to the exterior shots, the interior shots are not as well thought out. The interior calls for a different type of shot other than wide shots, at the moment, the interior seems to bear less significance. Why not try zoomed close up to interior texture and material and even inside of the washing machine to showcase the inner tranquility? Think more about the aspects of the interior that your cherish.

    Further, in this spatial documentary, how does the form of a dormitory inform you more specifically on the idea of tranquility? Dormitory as a specific type of living space is different from apartments. It consists of private space, your room, and semipublic spaces, such as the laundry rooms, pantry, and even the corridors. This different level of privacy enables the documentary to explore more into your idea of tranquility. (You’ve also mentioned this aspect in your video.) To convey this idea better, a suggestion would be to compose your camera techniques more intentionally and assigning spaces of different privacy levels particularly camera techniques. And compose your transitions between these spaces, as we move closer and closer to more private spaces.

    “In Praise of Shadows” by Jun’ichirō Tanizaki is a great book for you to explore more into this idea of spaces of peacefulness. This book talks about how everyday spaces convey a sense of tranquility and how everyday things can be seen as works of art. Having a good bibliography would help you better ground your stand. At the moment, your narrative remains on an observation level. Including researches and news reports on dormitory and quarantine will make this piece much more compelling.


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