[Video Essay]Mobile City-Malls, discover yourself


Malls–Mobile City

Be flexible and mobile in the familiar city.

The world is fantastic. The world is wonderful. The world is full of the unknown, waiting for us to explore. The unexpected monster stops our journey, into the unknown, but stuck with what we already knew for a long time. During the pandemic, we spend time in the malls in our leisure time. As Mong Kok is the center and landmark of the city, my filming mainly focuses there. My video used a musical film approach. The song “Malls” is written by me.

Research findings

Shopping malls nowadays are not only for shopping. Going shopping has become a new experience, we spend much of our leisure time there.(Avello et al.,2011)  Hong Kong has over 120 malls. That means every district in Hong Kong has at least a mall. Why does a small city have so many malls? In the video, I want to present the idea of “perspective” and “experience”. 


When we are under COVID, the situation and the reality stays the “same”. 

You may feel depressed. You may feel hopeless.  

When we can’t change reality, what can be changed? 

Our perspective. 

Cherish the moment you truly enjoy and spend time with the one you love.

Malls can be interesting when you start discovering them.

Same as everywhere in this mobile city.


Technique used in filming

At the beginning, by using a bird-eyes angle and time lapse approach, the shot gives the audience a wider view. Moving people create the idea of mobility and the image of the Mall–Langham Place. Which is a landmark in the center of the City, Mongkok. Mortgage has been applied. There are jumps cuts to present “Malls”,“different Malls”, but share the same characteristics, which represent the idea of people losing choice to travel under the pandemic, therefore the majority will spend their leisure time in malls. It also connects with my lyrics: ”Malls, why there are so many malls” and “every district in this city” has shopping malls.

What will we do in the mall? We look at the goods, or just walk around, or play around to entertain ourselves. The use of tracking shots, random movement angles and switching between first person view and third person view plays a significant role. It presents the idea of using a “vlog” approach and following the character to “walk”, switching between different shops. 

 Furthermore, I also used a lot of close ups, pushing in and pulling out. Close up to the attractive food and fun games. Pushing in in a first person view expresses the excitement of the character. Pulling out can disconnect the subject and focus its setting which makes the subject go smaller. I use it 3 times in my video and I want to emphasize we need to have our eyes open. Because with an open-minded, we can discover more.

There are two parts in my video. The color, the lighting and the pace of my song changed. When the screen turns black in the middle with a subtitle “But…is that it?”.The color turns into a warmer tone, and the recording filter no longer exists. There are more colors and blinking lights which makes malls become attractive. In this part, focusing on the character’s expression and the smile on her face also enlighten the part.



During the experience of filming my project, the most remarkable impact for me is to have a completely different experience. When I went to the mall before, I usually dined with my family, or shopped with my friends. I didn’t feel extremely joyful but started to be a bit bored. But this time I got to look at the details in the shops because I tend to find interesting things to film. I discovered the moving train in T.O.P in Mongkok which I just walked past it everytime. I enjoyed the food and saved the happiest moment after a long day. I enjoyed the time filming with my dad and spent quality time with him as well.

Going to malls is an experience. Malls might be similar as they are. However people have mobility. Other than the mobility to move between places physically, but also the mobility to see things in a distinctive view. Your experience depends on how you think. 


Inside the border we might be trapped, 

but there are still many stories waiting for us to discover— in this mobile city.


So Xiao Rong Cynthia 3035835375

Director: Cynthia So

Cameraman: Cynthia So, Sammy So (Dad)


ngwriter: Cynthia So


Features of a shopping mall and why uniqueness matters. High Street Bowral. (2021, July 7). Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://www.highstreetbowral.com.au/features-of-a-shopping-mall-and-why-uniqueness-matters/ 

Avello,C., Gavilan,D., Carmen,A., Manzano,R.,(2011) .Experiential Shopping at the Mall: Influence on Consumer Behavior,10(1),16-24 

Research report – HKIS. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://hkis.org.hk/ufiles/RC1112021_report1.pdf 

Filming 101: Types of camera shots and angles. PolarPro. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://www.polarprofilters.com/blogs/polarpro/filmmaking-101-types-of-camera-shots-and-angles 

DeGuzman, K., Kyle DeGuzman Kyle DeGuzman graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelo, & Kyle DeGuzman graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science in Television. (2021, February 1). Watch: Ultimate guide to camera movement: When & how to use camera movement… explained. StudioBinder. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/different-types-of-camera-movements-in-film/

4 thoughts on “[Video Essay]Mobile City-Malls, discover yourself

  1. JingyangGuo  says:

    I really enjoyed how your video essay gives out a “MV” vibe, and how you have narrated your own understanding towards shopping malls through a verse. Rather than conveying massage through voice over, melodies and lyrics are much more impressive. Especially when the song is very catchy! Indeed, the guitar chords has given the song an extra sense of chillness and peacefulness. Which contrasted well with Hong Kong’s face paced lifestye.

  2. ZihanZuo says:

    The use of a song throughout the video really stands out and is appealing. Both the music and the images have a light-hearted feel that reflects the enjoyment that shopping malls bring to people. Finally, the song is really good!

  3. XintongChen  says:

    I really like the overall atmosphere of this video, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Music, in particular, is a melody that people can remember after hearing it once. In addition, I think the transition shooting in the video is very good and consistent, even if the scene is changed, it will not feel abrupt. The mall is such a role that exists all around us. Again, you write great songs!

  4. Jen Lam says:

    It is great that you have utilized your singing and composing skills in the video, it is very entertaining and I appreciate your effort. To discuss the mall as a mobile city, I wonder what your research question is? Which aspect of mobility are you looking into? It seems that the research could be strengthened and more in-depth to go beyond a personal reflection but an understanding of the urban environment.


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