1 thought on “[Workshop 2] Group 5

  1. Miggy says:

    Cyberpunk action movie set in the back alley of Hong Kong! It surely an interesting approach and a lot can be explored in this setting.

    On lighting: The idea to create tension by using spotlights and disharmonious ambient lightings is great! When filming action movies in a such dark environment, Hong Kong filmmakers love to spray water on the floor, not only it reflects the lights in the most interesting way, there is also the bonus of water splashes when actors fighting in the scene.

    On Colour and Texture: When filming in dimly lite location, choice of fabric can alter how the costume be seen on screen. Especially your choice of dark colours might risk the costumes disappeared entirely. Picking a fabric which is able to “catch” light even at the dimmest environment will ensure the form / contour of the characters become more visible. Whether the choice of material is rough or smooth, make sure they don’t get absorbed into the background. In this case, creating a futuristic Police Uniform is the perfect opportunity to play with material (Leather / Synthetic / 3D printing), adding functional design details in different textures such reflective tape / weapons holster / badges etc. would be interesting too.

    On Form & Silhouette: The form and contour of the polices uniform can also be slightly exaggerated as this is set in the near future, it will be really interesting to see an angular looming silhouette of the officer fighting against a fluid / agile figure of the thief.


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