Workshop Interview (Kenrick Wong)

Image from Kenrick Wong, Frame at Mirador Mansion

Question: I would like to know more about your physical model of this masonry. How does it help to frame the building in the film? Is there anything you couldn’t understand from the real building so that you have to make a physical model?

Kenrick: I think in reality, if you imagine different programs that can be rearranged with time, it is hard to interpret by just filming them in the actual world. The using of physical model is quite subtle in the film, but this kind of frame (hanging out for cloth washing), which can be taken out and put in another place…which represents each flat…we do the analysis and we imagine each flat can be rearranged around this building. We try to establish an argument that every flat can be rearranged from time to time with different programs, which lead to the design later. I think just framing the actual world is not enough to show this ambition. Actually many viewers think the model isn’t the real world…we try to blank the real world and the physical model so as to develop an ambition and imagination, just like a collage and photoshop, but we use physical model this time. I think the model itself is quite logical to the original structure, not to design yet. The logic is based on the regular flat and the frame. We take a frame and we build it in someway later on. I think it’s quite useful to deconstruct the original building before we build something new.

Interviewee: Kenrick Wong
By: Su, Wenjun

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