1 thought on “[workshop1] Group 4

  1. Noella Kwok says:

    That’s a very interesting proposal! By “any quiet streets”, did you mean you’re not doing on-site filming but find quiet streets in Hong Kong to re-create a bustling vibrant LKF? If this is the case, where would they be esp when the director of photography wanted to emphasise the topography? the Visual effect director might be important here with his/her CGI skills if you all take that as a challenge!
    The director and director of photography often work closely together during shoots. Other than highlighting the slopy LKF, what else would you like to accentuate? close-up shots of activities, medium shots of the former packed streets in contrast with long shots of the currently hollowness due to covid etc. It’s great to incorporate colloquial languages to show the “Hong Kong-ness” through the scriptwriter. As for the producer, will there be any specific casting considerations in the actors / actresses? The lighting supervisor is definitely indispensable here as the contrast of light and darkness is essential to depict LKF. Also, interior club scenes are perhaps where the creativity of the lighting supervisor lies (if there is any)!


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