Field-Homework 2 Once Bustling Transport Hub

Field-Homework 2 Once Bustling Transport Hub

Lau Chun Ho Darren

UID: 3035708819

People on pedestrian seems more than those on the highway.

Construction works at Statin-Central Link tunneling have been suspended due to prevalence of virus.

The highway was sparsely distributed with transport which supposed to be main route of traffic.

This tiny ship stuck in the middle of the harbor, seems enjoying magnificent view of Hong Kong Island alone

Crossing the harbor no longer congested with traffic. Busy traffic with comings and goings of people symbolized the dynamic and vibrancy of the city. However, traffic was smooth in the harbor crossing with just a few number of vehicles passing through.I employed slow motion to film this situation, creating the effect that vehicles were moving slowly, this resembled usual traffic congestion that cars were waiting in line to the toll bridge, this scene did not exist in this period of contagion of coronary virus. After work, people supposed to enjoy metropolitan glitzy night life, this was not the case now. I particularly pick 8pm for the shot to show people were heading back home instead of going out as vehicles returning from tunnel outweighed towards it. Dim streetlight seems helped conjure up an gloomy picture that implied economic recession.

1 thought on “Field-Homework 2 Once Bustling Transport Hub

  1. Ina Wu says:

    The subject matter chosen is an interesting one. However, the collection would be much more compelling and convey the emptiness during the pandemic better if relevant camera techniques are applied to the individual infrastructure and spaces you are depicting. For example, applying slow motion to the spreading car crossing the harbor crossing checkpoint did a good job in highlighting the emptiness of the road, treating the emptiness like vehicles. Further, consider finding contrasting elements in the visuals to convey the emptiness of the transportation hub clearly. This aspect can be seen in the boat clip in which you have tried to convey the emptiness of the sea by contrasting the solo boat with its background (although the shaking technique didn’t help much in this case).


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