Interviewing Finbarr

My question: Does the tag “Singapore” matters? As environmental pollution and the development of underground spacing are both internetional concerns. Wouldn’t the film be more powerful in transmitting the message to everyone in the world if you did not label and limited the views of the underground city in the film to only singapore? Why didn’t you taking out the Singaporean elements so that it may applies to the rest of the world?

Finbarr: I think you’re correct in some ways, why is this film situated in Singapore, when i think, at the end of the day, i was thinking along the lines of how make a project, i realize, i think in Singapore, you have this, very unqiue, kind of correlation towards how a large scale project of livelihood… So yes this, underground city can be anywhere , it could be replicated in Hong Kong, or looking around the world that are quite a lot of the large infarstructural underground projects, yes, you have, say, Montreal, they have very extensive underground master plants, as if you look at why they are created, one of the prime issue is climatic arguement, Montreal, for example, has incredibly cold winters. So in Singapore, you have extremely good rock type for underground cabin creation, which makes it particularly good for tunneling, so you are seeing these large scale developments there, but at the end of the day, it comes down to kind of a financial situation where, what goes underground, and how do you justify putting certain types of landuse underground.


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