Reading Response-In search of the Ghostly in context- Chan Wing Sum

“In Search of the Ghostly in Context” provides interesting insights into Fruit Chan’s film “Made in Hong Kong” and its exploration of the ghostly. The use of ghostly elements in the film challenges our usual way of understanding the city and its history.

What intrigues me is how the ghostly elements disrupt traditional storytelling and invite us to question our preconceived ideas about Hong Kong. By introducing supernatural elements, the film presents alternative perspectives and marginalized experiences, breaking away from dominant narratives.

The idea of the ghostly representing memory and unresolved past is particularly striking. It reminds us that cities carry the weight of their history, and the presence of ghosts symbolizes the lingering impact of past traumas. This prompts us to confront the difficult aspects of our history and acknowledge the complexities beneath the surface.

Moreover, the ghostly elements in “Made in Hong Kong” provide social commentary. They highlight the tensions between memory and forgetting, reflecting the struggles of individuals and communities to come to terms with the past in an ever-changing present. This exploration of the ghostly helps us understand the anxieties and uncertainties that arise during times of societal transition.


Overall, the document offers a fascinating perspective on the significance of the ghostly in “Made in Hong Kong.” It shows us how cinema can challenge norms, amplify marginalized voices, and deepen our understanding of urban life. Fruit Chan’s use of the ghostly invites us to reflect on the complex interplay of history, memory, and collective identity.

Chan Wing Sum- 3036270429

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