After reading Certeau’s article, I think “place” and “space” are somehow interconnected to each other that place cannot exist without a space while place provides volume for space to occupy. This article reminds me the fieldwork for a movie which is Still Human, sets in Oi Man Estate, where I have never been before. It is interesting that when I was watching the film, Ho Man Tin is a place that full of context as the story depicted and narrated in the film gives perspectives and meanings to the place and I feel that emotion from characters. However, when I arrived at Ho Man Tin in person, it becomes a space that I have only got the impression. Therefore, I agree that “Space appears more as a practiced place” that  we experience, tell stories and give meaning to space to be place.

— Lai Man Ching Ruby 3035825083

1 thought on “READING RESPONSE: Michel De Certeau

  1. Putri Santoso says:

    I think relating the articles we read in the class to our real-life experience is one of the best ways to get a better understanding of the concepts discussed in the text, and you did a great job at reflecting back on your fieldwork experience. I would suggest comparing the two impressions you got from the Oi Man Estate to help your readers following your narrative. For example, try to compare the impressions of a place (or space) you got from the film to your on-site experience. How are they different?


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