[Reading Response] The Imaginary Real World of CyberCities by M. Christine Boyer

Cybercities, a hybrid of physical and virtual space, are discussed by the author in “The Imaginary Real World of Cybercities”. Having a glimpse of the whole world, we may marvel at the fact that technology has been evolving in a rapid way. People are exposed to this digital era, and are more and more familiar with the concept of Cybercities. In this article, the author explores how digital technologies affect people’s perception of time and space and presents the challenges and opportunities for architectural design and social issues as well as urban planning under the context of Cybercities.

The article mentions Le Corbusier’s five architectural principles translated into the concepts of time, screen, sleep, information and site/domain, emphasizing the importance of architecture and urban planning in the concept of the Cybercities, reflecting the shift from the modernist ‘machine city’ to the postmodern ‘digital city’. Le Corbusier’s ideas are reinterpreted and reapplied to the practice of urban planning in the digital age, reflecting innovation and change in the concept of the Cybercities.

In addition to this, the text explores the existence of rim spaces and social challenges in cities through the examples of New York and the South Bronx. It is mentioned that New York City has adopted policies of tax incentives and credits in order to attract developers to outlying areas. However, during the recession, these policies were seen as misguided due to their negative impact on Manhattan. These examples show the complexity of the relationship of the Cybercities and social issues.

The whole article deals not only with how digital tools affect our perception of urban landscapes and social interactions, but also with how the digital environment shapes our imagination of urban life.

—— Zhang Hengruixiang 3036265371



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