Reading Response:Giuliano Bruno

After reading this article, I have a deeper understanding of the definition of film. In an era of productivity and efficiency, the films made for serving audiences are often cut to speed up. The purpose of films is nailed to the tag of entertainment. However, the awakening of post-modernism inspires us; It allows the audience to contemplate or think about the passage of time off-screen by using long lenses. It was best seen in the movie ‘Empire’. The motionless Empire State Building and the changing weather conspire to render the film. The building is also filled with flowing people at work. This dislocation of beauty creates a comfortable and relaxing psychological space for the audience, creating a peaceful atmosphere that we cannot experience in a fast-paced era. In this regard, architecture is considered the most favorable tool for post-modernism to reshape the film era because it best embodies the aesthetic of time. In these ‘meaningless’ films, architectures use time to bring audiences unprecedented viewing effects and visual space.

— FANG YIQUN 3033093222

1 thought on “Reading Response:Giuliano Bruno

  1. Jen Lam says:

    You have made a good reflection upon the significance of ‘zero-degree’ film. Why do you think architecture best embodies the aesthetic of time? Beyond unprecedented viewing effects and visual space, do you think there is any psychological effects on viewers?


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