Floor Plan and Filming plan:
Narratives/ voice over:
I’ve been reading a book, and the title is Essentialism. It helps me to think about what’s the most important thing in life.
While my new day starts, another repetitive day.
After breakfast, I go for yoga.
“You can tug the toes under if you have any knee pain, inhale raise it up.
Now feel free to…”
Should I garb my(phone), never mind.
What a day.
What’s the most important thing in life? I think for mr, its traveling.
Through travelling, I can see the world, to feel the world, to see how others lives, to see how other tree grows.
And meet other souls.
Ah my heart just melt.
To challenge myself in the journey.
While being companied by friends and family on the way.
Here comes another day, lets keeo doing the things that seems to be important…
For now.
youtube. 2017. 45-Minute Power Vinyasa Flow With Briohny Smyth. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 May 2020].
Somia An 3035660859
I enjoyed the video! It flows well when showing your daily routine. The use of First Person and Third Person Perspectives enhances the experience by putting the audience in your environment. I found the transition towards the end of the video quite interesting to me, as it’s a sort of a dream sequence and creates a nice contrast between your isolation life and exploring the world during your holidays. One thing I would change would be the sound, maybe emphasize the daily sounds, such as opening a drawer, cooking or even a mouse click, to enhance that dimension of the video. The video title is a dive into your personality and values, from this I understand that travelling is a love of yours and an essential part of you. Good work!
Essentialism as a topic is only the starting point, but it is not explored thoroughly to comment on the current lifestyles and situations. In order to move beyond a diary-like reflection, you will need to be rigorous about your commentary and question the different aspects as they are translated in the current lifestyle affected by the pandemic. Are there other references that talk about the question and criteria of essentials? What is your documentary commenting on, and how is that significant to your audience?
The creative use of travel footage to complement your home-based activities has been refreshing. You can consider thinking of ways in which you have further juxtapose travel with the repetition of these activities. Appreciate the use of your floor plan and your camera techniques. Was it intentional to use solid colors as transitions between scenes? How can these be used differently to accentuate your ideas about essentialism?