This video is making to tell how my feelings about the foods provided by the hotel while I was isolated changes as time passed. At the first night, I was distributed to the hotel in Shenzhen Nanshan District, I was satisfied with the conditions of the hotel. The room size is big enough and has a bright window and the first breakfast surprised me as my friends told me their foods were terrible but mine was just like what I would eat in restaurants. So in the first several days, I used a camera to record my food and felt comfortable being ‘fed’ by the hotel. However, the taste of the foods would not always be my style, when the flavor did not catch my habit and I got no other choice of foods, I will be disappointed. The first half of my isolation life past fast as I felt good to have the kind of lifestyle. However, in the second half, I felt so bored to be blocked in the little limited hotel room, I started to hate the flavor of the hotel foods, I feel unsatisfied about all the things offered by the staffs and I just want to get free to go out and do my own choices. So I spent more time watching the outside view by my fixed window. I start to bought delivery foods, although the foods outside were just normal I can taste the smell of freedom inside the foods, as for the hotel foods, I could only feel that it was t foods for prisoners. The outside of my room is just buildings, not many people walking outside as the risk of COVID-19 still exist. So the only thing always there were the pigeons on the top floor. And in the last few days, I could not stand the hotel foods anymore, the only thought was when can I get free. So when the 13th day come, I was too excited to go to sleep, I was thinking about what should I eat for the first meal after I was released. And on the 14th day, just before I could go out, I dropped the fruit, which used to be my favorite part, to the desk putting garbage. I was so anxious to leave that ‘jail’. And it is how my feelings about the hotel changed in only 14 days.




UID: 3035498050

4 thoughts on “[VIDEO ESSAY] FOOD

  1. Chen Yushan says:

    Seriously, I really like this type of honest and humorous short film! The filming method is simple and unmodified (in a good way), and the rhythm of the whole film and the uniformity of the picture and voiceover are comfortable. I especially the scene after the quick evaluation of the food, when the protagonist “melancholy” looks out of the window, making the theme of the whole film seem upgraded into a new level, Intriguing! This short film has a very special theme focus. It is an experience that most (mainland) students have experienced. I believe people who have experienced the same isolation must all feel the same!
    It must be said that this humorous style can make one laugh in an isolated environment, and it also makes your video stand out in other “depressive” short films.

    Chen Yushan

  2. Choi Hae Gi says:

    A simple yet smart way to showcase the current COVID-19 quarantine situation. It is funny and very honest and makes the audience feel and relate to the topic discussed. The consistent speed makes it entertaining to watch and makes one wonder what type of food will be offered next. Good documentation to look back on as well when this is all over!

  3. Mi Yuqi says:

    A really simple yet clear way to demonstrate life of 14-day quarantine in hotel room as I believe many of us would be quite curious about it. Well done! I love the way that your video has a rather constant flow while at the same time a series of emotional changes are involved. Visually, your video is also able to focus on every meal you have had, which would make the audience impressed with the topic of your video.

  4. Han Soo Joung says:

    Your work is quite fact-paced and simple, yet not disturbing. What was really interesting is that I was able to notice and guess how this was going to go about. You started with ‘Great’, which slowly moved onto ‘good’, and ‘not so good’s, and eventually, something external, like the delivery foods. These foods, although presented with humor and simple transition, very well align with the emotions you feel during quarantines. In other words, it creates a nice parallel with the quality of food and emotional changes during a quarantine. You start out okay (‘Great’), less okay (‘good’), start feeling exhaustion (‘not so good’), start feeling messy and unstable psychologically (delivery foods), feels numb (comments like ‘whatever’) , and finally, when freed, both emotionally and actually, the food and mood is both great and better.


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