1 thought on “[workshop 2] Group 2

  1. Miggy says:

    On Character & Mood: A bygone era shrouded with mysteries is alway a great canvas to paint a complex character with a dark twist. So many aspects can be added to a piece of costume when delve into a character’s psyche.

    On Colour: Muted colour scheme work wonderfully in such slightly claustrophobic setting, in this study, however, the decision whether she should blend in to her surrounding or allow her to stand out among the crowds is worth paying more attention. It will be interesting to incorporate details / colours into the costume, to subtly suggest her inner violent nature and traumatic past. Your idea of “suspicious brown dots” is brilliant and it reminds me why I’m always intrigued by the sight of Victorian dresses sweeping the wet muddy streets – mud stain on a beautiful garment is a brutal reminder of how fragile our civilised world actually is.

    On Texture / Form & Silhouette: I love the idea how violence is neatly wrapped under refine fabrics, waiting to be “unleashed” by undoing a constraining corset!

    On Lighting: I can almost smell the Kerosene lamp! A mentor once told me, if you can make your audience “catch a scent” on screen, then you can also make them hear the colour and see the sound!

    To complete the scene, Imagine the alley is surrounded by fog, these flickering lights could show you the way out or, lead you to the deep end.

    Note: I recommend to check out Penny Dreadful – A classic tales of Dracula, Frankenstein, Dorian Gray and more, all woven together in this TV series set on the dark streets of Victorian London.


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