Reading Response – M. Christine Boyer

Boyer’s point of dematerialisation of physical space is especially fascinating as most technology featured in 1960s sci-fi movies are now implemented in our cyber communications and thus allowed us to “physically” interact in virtual reality. Virtual space right now tends to be a fluid space mimicking the physical reality, and therefore as we develop technology to properly explore this virtual space, we start to experience the “annihilation of space and time”. Space is not being limited to a physical box anymore. This mimicry conveys that there is a strong connection between the two spaces, but I believe a strong connection

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[Reading Response: Carl Abbott]

The concept of “Distributed Cities” is a very interesting direction to explore, with a city that governs and manages itself automatically, and could be “mapped as a discontinuous scattering of nodes and pieces”, making up a “larger whole”. But I think current cities already have similar aspects, for example how Hong Kong has Central as its economic center, and I would also like to know how the “distributed cities” can improve the lives of those who aren’t fortunate enough to live in upper-class areas. Similarly, the concept of “Migrating Cities” is also fascinating to discuss, where cities could relocate themselves.

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[Reading Response: ]Carl Abbott

Abbotts’s piece introduces many different kinds of imagined cities in sci-fi movies. Although these cities were said to be ‘futuristic’, there are many parallels that can be drawn between them and the existing cities or cities that have been existed before. Take the distributed city ‘The Swarm’ which is constituted of airships serving different functions as an example, it resembles the cities that are involved in the global distribution of labour in the modern world. From this example, we can see that sci-fi movies have significance in foreseeing and predicting the possible trends that may occur in the future. By juxtaposing

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[Reading Response] Carl Abbott

Abbott introduced several films that depicted the future of cities being desperate and grim. It is interesting to discover the underlying metaphor. Many fictions portrayed the future human society to be brutal. Abbott illustrated the Darwinism city in Mortal Engines, where social stratification is intensified to extreme: elite have privilege to open air while lower factories are struck in filth. This reminds me of 1984 which depicts how despotism eradicates people’s free will and creates an orderly utopia in disguise. Although whether these pessimistic predictions exaggerate the dark side of society remains questionable, they warn us against an evil entropy

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This passage gives a lot of examples of imaginary worlds that inspired from the film. This raises a question for me. What would the future world be? I think imaginary world should be the world that people want in the future, should be full of love and passion. However, some imaginary worlds in film are really full of dark and pessimistic. People seems to be worried about their future, they usually tend see everything in a negative way. For example, people are afraid that one day AI may invade the Earth and dominate the world. I think people should put

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Reading Response: Carl Abbot

Abbot’s text generated discussion during the tutorial in regards to how films that portray Sci-fi and the future affects its audiences. We identified the 21st century trend of more pessimistic Sci-fi films (notably Wall-E) compared to the 20th century which had more optimistic portrayals (Back to the Future). Personally dystopian future films have had a strong influence on me in terms of myself becoming more conscious of my day-to-day actions and how it affects the environment. However my prolonged exposure to these films have caused me to also become quite pessimistic about the future (I have no desire to see

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[Reading Response: Carl Abbott]

In many science magazines, it will be mentioned that the development of science and technology benefits mankind. However, science fiction movies and novels are always filled with pessimism about the future world. Due to the destruction of the environment by human, most parts of the earth will no longer be suitable for human beings to live, so people need to creating a mobile city to find new environment. Technology is supposed to enrich the future of humanity, but it is expected to help us survive in the world. Life in the past has told us that people can be alive without

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[Reading Response: Carl Abbott]

“Migratory cities” seem fantastic and full of scientific and technological sense. However, as Abbott said the flowing city will be in a “bubble” and the “walking city” will be a “self-sufficient” city. Both of them show the closed attitude. For the happiness inside the city ,they would like to disconnect from the world and nature.This is some similar to “build a wall between slum and rich neighborhood” in Brazil ,which makes “closed neighborhood” with many disadvantage. And the movement of the mass requires a great deal of energy. Sci-fi film Wondering Earth is under the background of the engine that

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Reading Response:Carl Abbott

The discussion of “distributed city” is particularly interesting in spatial sociology and also demonstrated by science fiction. By separating the functional districts into physical spaces that distant from each other, will the production model of the city remain similar as before? Saskia Sassen’s answer might be denial, for she argued that with the growth of demand for highly professional labor, the requirement of nearby related infrastructure and service will also increase. For example, around the agglomeration of banks and finance companies in Central, where people work for a high salary and long hours, hospitals, parks, and malls guaranteed their basic

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Reading Response: M. Christine Boyer

The description of the lag-time places deeply touched me. The develop of technology and Internet are so fast, and the rise of the metropolis and its bright appearance always make people yearn for it. But on the edge of the city, in those gray areas, people have advanced technology, but not the basic living and social security to go with it, thus forming the chaos of “forgotten cities”. The growth of cybercity scares me. If human has advanced technology but the social structure breaks down, then we are likely to inevitably enter the future of cyberpunk. Powerful corporations take control and small individuals lose their dignity. I don’t

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