[Field-Homework 3] Epidemic lifestyle


This documentary is showing life under the threat of the Wuhan virus. Home and the room is the main space of the plot. The video could show the protagonist spending most of the time at home for the online lectures, napping or entertainment at home. Trams are chosen for transportation as much less passengers use the tram during epidemics, it was empty even in rush hours. Other than staying at home, the protagonist also goes hiking, enhancing the immune system and breathing some fresh air apart from the concrete forest.


Wojcik, P. R. (2018). What Makes the Apartment Complex? In Urban Living and Global Screen Cultures (pp. 1-20), edited by Wojcik, P. R. Durham: Duke University Press.

De Certeau, M. (1984). Spatial Stories. In The Practice of Everyday Life (pp. 115-130), translated by Steven Randall. Berkeley: University of California Press.

RTHK. (2020). 鏗鏘集:疫市錄 . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOkEeF4NRqY


Murphy Wong Lok Kan

1 thought on “[Field-Homework 3] Epidemic lifestyle

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Appreciate that you have looked into a various spaces and depicted different activities in the video. The series of images you’ve chosen to present shows a bit of curation. Love the way it transits from extreme close shots of digital devices to medium shots of the tram then to long shots of the outdoor. Unfortunately, we are not seeing the storyboard of your documentary. It would be better if we could see your thinking process through the storyboard.


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