[Field-Homework 3] Public City


Site: Different playground

Theme and Subject:
There are countless playgrounds in Beijing for people to relax and entertain. However, with the progress of science and technology and the increase in work and study, most people have fewer and fewer opportunities to play on the playground and are more willing to spend their leisure time on the Internet. This article will first discuss how people use playgrounds, and further investigate what we think is very common but has deep meaning: the use and design of playground colours.

Playground and life:
Even if the current epidemic is severe and people’s use of playgrounds has been reduced, many people of different ages still come to have fun every day. In the morning, the elderly dance and exercise here. By noon, mostly kids under ten and their parents are having fun here. When school is over in the afternoon, young people and teenagers gather on the court to play basketball. Even if these users never meet each other, the playground becomes a space that connects everyone through “happiness”.

Colour design and its impact on users:
(Since the number of samples selected is too small, it can not fully confirm whether the purpose of colour selection of surrounding playgrounds is just a coincidence, but some results consistent with the literature can still be used as a reference.)
Firstly, The rides often feature prominent colours, including seven rainbow colours. Experiments have proved that children’s contact with colours through playground can enhance their colour perception ability, and increase perceptual, creative development. Colour preferences in different countries vary due to cultural diversity. For example, The Chinese prefer bright, fresh colours such as red, while the British find the combination of blue and green to be the most pleasant. This can be seen in the design of playgrounds between Chinese and English: the former often uses red as the primary colour, while the latter will use blue, green, and even brown.
Moreover, different colours have roughly the same impact on children’s psychology and emotions in different regions. According to the colour theory, red often represents “passion” and “active”, so children will be more excited after seeing this colour and increase the intensity of exercise. Blue imply “tender” and “comfortable”, which can improve children’s enjoyment when playing. Black and grey are not usually colours used in amusement parks, as these colours suggest “professional” and “serious”. These are definitely not characteristics of environments that kids want to play in.
Furthermore, a combination strategy of multiple colours can have a more significant impact than a single colour.

Method for producing the video:
In order to make a video, I first read much literature to explore whether the colour has a remarkable effect and then try to prove or verify whether it conforms to the point of view in the literature by comparing playgrounds in different locations and environments in reality. For example, one idea is that the colour preference of the playground can be affected by the income levels of neighbourhoods and communities. I found a playground in a nearby suburb and compared it with another urban playground to draw a conclusion.

As the name of the course: Architecture and film, film and architecture are interlinked and contain each other. Films need to consider composing light, and angles that seem to have little impact but are essential to the whole, and the same goes for architecture. When designing, even the colour, which seems just for aesthetics, can play a role in promoting children’s play and deciding whether they like the playground or not. Only by paying attention to all the details can we create memorable films and stunning buildings.

Borton, J., Sandercock, G., Pretty, J., & Wood, C. (2013). The effect of playground- and nature-based playtime interventions on physical activity and self-esteem in UK school children. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 25(2), 196-206.

Ou, L., Luo, M.R., Woodcock, A., & Wright, A.B. (2004). A study of colour emotion and colour preference. Part I: Colour emotions for single colours. Color Research & Application, 29(3), 232 – 240.

Safferman, B.N. (2015). Impact of color on children’s play behaviors.

Samimi, P.M., & Tabatabaei, N.S. (2022). Preschool children’s indoor and outdoor playground HSV color preferences. Color Research & Application, 47(3), 745-757.

Song, J.H., & Choi, K.R. (2014). Kids Color-design Playground Apparatus Proposal. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society, 25(4), 239-249.

SPI Plastics Inc. Picking the Right Colours for Your Playground. https://www.spiplastics.com/picking-the-right-colours-for-your-playground/

Tasarlamak, H. (2018). Designing Playgrounds for All. Megaron, 13(3), 459-DOI:469. 10.5505/megaron.2018.14890

Valdez, P., & Mehrabian, A. (1994). Effects of color on emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 123(4), 394-409.

Wang, T., Shu, S., & Mo, L. (2014)Blue or red? The effects of colour on the emotions of Chinese people. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17(2), 152-158.
DOI: 10.1111/ajsp.12050

Wiercioch-Kuzianik, K., & Ba˛bel, P. (2019). Color Hurts. The Effect of Color on Pain Perception. Pain Medicine, 20(10), 1955-1962. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1093/pm/pny285




4 thoughts on “[Field-Homework 3] Public City

  1. Shuk KiHung  says:

    I appreciate how you link the daily lives of people and the site together. Also, you admit the limitation of the site (i.e. color coincidence possibility). The color implication is also creative and impressive. I like the rainbow one most! Also, I think your essay helps me enhance the knowledge that the color of background is actually helping the children’s color reception. The post of different cultures affect the color choice makes me shocked too. Such a good essay to know more about colors! I feel so amazed!

  2. KehangXia  says:

    I really appreciate that you can investigate on the material of the playground. I am impressed by your research on the relationship between playground facilities and their colors and materials. But I think that you can have more editing skills to help your video can show the relationship much more directly.

  3. XiangLi  says:

    Your narration is very clear and pleasant to listen to. You use a lot of charts and information from the internet to clarify your opinion. I think it is very logical and easy to understand. Your careful observation of life is worth my learning. The difference in color and material of playground facilities is slight but unignorable.

  4. Sammie says:

    You have a clear research question and your findings are presented in an effective manner through the video. I also appreciate the connection you made between colours in playground and in film. Do note that when including non-original works, they should be attributed clearly within the video. You should include in-text citations so that it is clearer how your references inform your analysis.


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