For the First time in 14days

This series of photos described the first day my Mum, who need to self-quarantine for 14days, going out after it.

*Photos are rearranged to follow the timeline

  1. Focus

People who enter from the mainland must self-quarantine for 14days to ensure they are not infected, including my mum. The 14days finally ends today.

2.View frame

Not only those people under self-quarantine, many people are just staying in room all day, seldom entering the living room.

3.Worm‘s eye

A new habit of wash hand by hand sanitizer

4. First person view

It is always important to rub our hands thoroughly

5. Crop

Looking at the mask box, alcohol zoom up the word virus


Masks become one of the necessities, tissue paper is put between mask and mouth so that it can use longer when you don’t have enough

7. Seriality

Masks are chose over make up when going out

Under coronavirus, the general public’s awareness of health is growing quickly. Many females used to care about beauty more than their health. However, many of them choose to wear a mask that cover their face for the sake of health. In this series of photos, cosmetic is the symbol of beauty and the mask is a symbol of health. The 2-5 photo of this picture shows that they still care about their beauty as they look at the cosmetics first, but choose mask(healthy) at the end.

8.Skewed angle

Even wearing Gloves are considered.


After extra steps for protecting herself, Mum can finally go out.


Finally get out, no one is in the corridor, people go out less in the current situation

11.Bird’s eye

Went to the countryside to avoid crowded city as many people do.

12. Wide-angle

Went back at night, if it’s not under coronavirus, we seldom stay at home and look outside carefully.


Name: Lam Yu Sze

Uid: 3035575585

1 thought on “For the First time in 14days

  1. Annie Lye says:

    Appreciate this creative narrative that is paired with some overall great shots. You demonstrate an understanding of the task and the differences between camera angles. Crop – great use of props to set up this magnified focus on the word “virus,” it’s highly effective. Contrast / Chiaroscuro – appreciate the attempt here, however, the definition of this camera term is the dramatic effect of contrasting areas of light and dark. Bird’s Eye View (BEV) – your image here is more a “wide shot”. Technically a BEV indicates a view seen from directly above as if we were birds. Should you have any questions about camera angles, you can go onto google search for countless inspirations.


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