Reading Response: Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James

Hong Kong’s way of utilizing skyways to provide access to different facilities around Hong Kong has helped Hong Kong evolve into a very dense yet accessible city for citizens. Skyways give a different approach when it comes to urban planning where we are able to achieve avoiding over-crowding in areas without having stress over building placements. These skyways are found everywhere in Hong Kong and yet I have failed to notice how often they utilize this technique around the city as I was so used to using them in my daily life. This very simple method is very effective in my opinion as it also breaks psychological barriers when it comes to moving from one place to another. These skyways encourage us to continue walking and explore what Hong Kong has to offer without thinking of the need of other transportation like driving cars.

Choi Yoon Je (3035793498)

1 thought on “Reading Response: Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James

  1. Jen Lam says:

    The point on psychological barriers is intriguing. What are the psychological barriers between spaces? I am also curious to know what is your longest duration to stay on skyways without touching the ground. How does the act of walking allow us to understand our city in contrast with that on cars?


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