[Video Essay] Inactivity


In this documentary, I intended to show the activities of people in quarantine, where they were separated due to the need of social distancing. In my view, these activities are quite the opposite of ‘active’, which is why I used the title ‘inactivity’ to point out the in-activeness of them.

In the beginning of the film, the main character was notified via news that quarantine has begin. The music is a lively and relaxing music. I believe this is the impression most people were at first when they know about the quarantine. The main character was notified the seriousness of the epidemics and notice that his daily life may be affected by this epidemic. He was quite happy in his heart because he can have time to relax and escape from the duty he needed to finish at normal life since no one would be supervising him.

The next shot shows the main character trying to play ping pong by his own because he was not used to the boring lifestyle. He was not comfortable of staying home all day and not being active in the beginning of the film.

The transition happen after a while, where the main character has changed his outfit to a more living room style outfit. Also, the montage shows he repeatedly take cans of coke from the shelf. This indicate he has gone through the transition from not being comfortable with staying home to enjoying this lifestyle. The use of montage in this transition is intended to express the changes through time that the main character has experience. Some social experiments have shown that human mind would convert something that was repeated thousands of time in our brain from the category of dislike into tolerable into like. After such a long quarantine, it is worrying that some of us may develop dependence to this sedentary and monotonous lifestyle.

After this transition, he seemed to be more comfortable with inactivity and would prefer to play Rubik’s cube and eat snacks while playing games instead of doing some sporty activities. This promotes his unhealthy lifestyle. The music also turned to a rainy and monotonous tone.

Throughout this documentary, it can be noticed that activities of the main character has changed from time to time and he has been more used to staying at seat. This kind of sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy, it can potentially cost overweight, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. After such a long quarantine, it is worrying that some of us may develop dependence to this sedentary and monotonous lifestyle. When the pandemic is over, can our social life really return to normal?

UID: 3035696004

Name: Wong Wai  Ching


Ducharme, J. (2020, May 6). What to Know About Kawasaki Disease, the Pediatric Inflammatory Condition Possibly Linked to COVID-19. Retrieved from https://time.com/5832461/kawasaki-disease-covid-19/


2 thoughts on “[Video Essay] Inactivity

  1. Chick Kar Yi Priscilla says:

    Hi! I enjoy the joyful music a lot and it is really matched with your actions shown in the video – overall, the video gives me a sense of relaxation and happiness. In terms of video content, I appreciated your effort in trying to capture different activities you did at home during quantitative – which include leisure, sport, eat, etc. However, I would like to suggest you try different shotting angles, distances, and techniques in your video. For example, for the shot, you’re playing Rubik’s Cube, you may use a fast forward mode to capture the process of you playing it, and zoom your camera to the Rubik’s Cube – so we can mainly focus on your hand movement and the Rubik’s Cube. I’m sure that this could really create a great visual experience for us. In addition, if you can have more different shots in doing various activities with a shorter duration – it will be more interesting. Last but not least, I’m surprised to see you filmed your video in portrait- I’m curious that is there any specific reason for you to film the whole video in portrait.
    Thank for your interesting video!

  2. Annie Lye says:

    As a documentary that explores the inactive lifestyle brought about by the pandemic, appreciate your efforts in portraying this in a comical way and producing a parody that is consistent with your video title. However, this topic could be developed further and the camera/editing techniques could likewise be enhanced and exaggerated to emphasize your thesis of inactivity! Currently, the straight-forward camera angles do not add to the storyline. The problem is not the repetition of the scenes, but rather the way scenes are shot. We have covered multiple examples of camera angles in this course, which you could have experimented with. In terms of content, aside from the mundaneness of everyday life, what is the central message? What exactly do you want audiences to take away from after watching your piece? How can you potray and contrast life before and during the pandemic to show how life is now “inactive”?

    Furthermore, in terms of your references, how does “Kawasaki disease” relate to your piece? TIMES is a good and creditable reference starting point. However, It would be helpful to see you expand your search net to other forms of publications such as journals, books, etc. to form cross-disciplinary knowledge and understand more about research and articles that discuss the pandemic lifestyle within our lockdown (interior) spaces.


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