After reading Certeau’s article, I think “place” and “space” are somehow interconnected to each other that place cannot exist without a space while place provides volume for space to occupy. This article reminds me the fieldwork for a movie which is Still Human, sets in Oi Man Estate, where I have never been before. It is interesting that when I was watching the film, Ho Man Tin is a place that full of context as the story depicted and narrated in the film gives perspectives and meanings to the place and I feel that emotion from characters. However, when I

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[Reading Response] Michel de Certeau

In this chapter, Michel de Certeau explores what gives places meaning, and agues that stories give meaning to place- turning them into spaces. De Certeau compares the place and map to space and tour, proposing that while places and maps are descriptive and neutral, spaces and tours are created through the stories that happen with places. In this sense, space is performative, and stories are trajectories created within places, giving space its context. Therefore, while buildings and structures are described by their composition, architecture is the result of its use- and the stories that happen within. This is why the

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[Reading Response: The multilevel Metropolis, Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James(Ami)]

The multilevel metropolis plays an essential role In our urban development, it is changing our lifestyle, also a fundamental resolution for urbanization base problem. In a densely populated city like Hong Kong, transportation in a 2D design by car or bus cost a lot of traffic jam, in that case promoting multilevel strategies can reduce the congestion, and engage a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, we are so used to the convenience of the multilevel transportation system that ignores it is a diverse and unique culture art. The centre to the mid-level escalator as an example, when I look into the detail,

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[READING RESPONSE : Michel de Certeau ]

Spaces and places both mean the locations, the place has higher stability, and the space can bear the action conducted by humans, which has higher dynamics. In other words, places are more likely to stills, and spaces are more likely to movies. Take the park as an example, there are children playing, elderly people practicing Tai chi and friends chatting. For participants, the park is a space for them to relax, but for the people at the next hood to the park, it’s just a place. For tours and maps, the tour is telling you how to do it, and

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Reading Response: Micheal de Certeau

The difference between place and space has been wildly discussed in social science. As Micheal de Certeau emphasizes the performative and dynamic characteristics of space, he considered the narration created in spatial practice to play a significant role in human society. Narration and reflexivity of the agency are also crucial ideas in Anthony Gidden’s theory of “duality of structure”, which deems space as the outcomes and at the same time constraints of social agents. Taking Foucault’s theory of panopticon as a straightforward example, the introduction of such architecture is due to the requirement of social surveillance and under such pervasive

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[Reading Response] Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James

I have to emphasize again that I love examples! Theories and abstract conceptions make me dizzy. This article examines architecture not only from an artistic, literal or historical perspective, like what we used to do, but also the angles from social science, economics and politics. After knowing about several architects’ stories, I understand that the structure of a city we see today results from negotiation among many factors, more than people’s welfare and design arts. I used to consider buildings as what entirely originated from the architects’ drafts, and it is only about picking out a most outstanding design or

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[READING RESPONSE] Michel De Certeau

I think the points Michel made were very interesting to think about, as his definitions for “space” and “place” were very different from mine. He defines space as “intersections of multiple elements”, while for place it’s “an instantaneous configurations of positions”, basically speaking, he sees spaces with interactions and changes made by the people who use them, while place is just something that exists. This is completely different to how I see space and place, I think space is just a void without anything with it, which is up to the people who use it in order for it to

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Reading Response – Micheal de Certeau

My favourite idea discussed within Certeau’s book was the idea of “space” versus “place”. He describes it as the idea where “place” is an “instantaneous configuration of positions”, an area where items are distributed in a moment of time. “Space” meanwhile is more of an area where things occur, an area where there are movements over a period of time. As such, a “space” is simply a “place” in which movement occurs. This is such an interesting idea because it makes me rethink many films that I have watched in the past. For example, in the anime film Your Name,

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Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

Two main concepts discussed in the article are place and space. Different interaction of human-beings with place produce different spaces, and basically, most spaces are produced in itinerary. This means that place can be where people celebrate or mourn, or where events that may change the world happen. Getting to know the places and spaces more than just viewing it as a location on the map would help people understand the significance of the place and space in the city. Yung Woon Ting 3035762293

Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

Two main concepts discussed in the article are place and space. Different interactions of human beings with place produce different spaces, and basically, most spaces are produced in the itinerary. I have one deep impression of the scene in Chungking Express that the main heroine passed the one she loves on an electronic escalator in opposite direction. She turned her head back and stare at the man who even didn’t notice her presence. This scene really impacts me due to the deep love of the main heroine and the huge crevice lie between them. Now I could see how place

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