[Field-Homework 1]Shopfront

Part I:

1.Bird’s eye

There is  only a few people walking on the street,and the grocery shop is not as organised as the chain stores in the surrounding area.



2.Wide angle

Compared to the grocery shop,only a few would walk into the noodle shop next to it but more would prefer to buy some food from the grocery shop and go back to cook.




A woman is walking into the shop with a mask.




There is a man coming out of the shop with a bag of rice that he just bought from the shop.




At night,the shop is the only shop that opens to provide selling service.



6.First person view

The number of people queuing is more than usual and all of them are wearing masks.




Cropping the rubbish inside the rubbish basket,a blue plastic glove is hidden behind the snack boxes.




A poster of fresh egg with the slogan of ‘safe and natural’,reminds me of the origin of COVID-19,which is natural but unsafe…



9.View frame

Through a hole of the plastic bag,I captured the food residue inside the rubbish basket,with countless bacteria.



10.Worm’s eye

From ground level to capture two bottles of cleaning solution at the side corner of the shop.




I zoom in the plastic bags hanging on the shelf.



12.Skewed angle

Two plastic buckets,one containing soaked towels,another one maybe is for storing water.


Part II:


This is a photo that I took at night,when all shops were closed except the grocery shop and only one man was walking on the street.Street light and the light of the shop were the only light source on the street.Due to the virus,lots of people would like to stay at home,they will only go out under necessary conditions.Moreover,the economy of Hong Kong is coming to a recession,many shops are going to be closed.So I use the contrast to show the gloomy,bleak and cheerless atmosphere.


Full name:LIANG Yan Lillian


1 thought on “[Field-Homework 1]Shopfront

  1. Eunice says:

    The photographs convey a sense of gloom as you have described.
    Wondering about your choice in using the black and white photograph in the two shots – Bird’s eye and Chiaroscuro/Contrast. The decision in black and white seems more apparent in the latter. What is the reason you use the black and white to present the grocery shop in the first photograph?
    Appreciate your compositions and identification of the contents in the cropped, focused and view frame shots. These read visually clear and communicate your commentary on the irony of the situation – useful becomes useless, natural but unsafe, food but virus (bacteria).
    Bird’s eye – Try bringing the camera lens higher up and/or tilt the lens more vertically down to heighten the sense of looking down from a higher place (top-down)
    Perspective – There is one dominant perspective line of fluorescent lighting strip in this cropped photograph. Is this what you mean to highlight here?
    Seriality – The low saturated colors convey a sense of sadness and realism that is consistent with the rest of the collection here. Wish there are more than two to this series, perhaps to understand the before, during and after of business transactions at the open shopfront during this period.
    Worm’s eye – not too clear if this is a zoomed in shot or low angle. For worm’s eye, bring the camera lens lower and tilt it upwards more vertically to reveal the undersides of the subjects and objects.
    Skewed angle – where is the skew? Test a number of positions until you locate one that is most unexpected/askew
    Overall, your ideas are clearly expressed visually and through the text descriptions.


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